Russian oil reserves classification

30 Sep 2016 The Russian Federation Classification (henceforth, RF2013) is the classification of reserves of oil and combustible gases approved by order of  The Analysis of Russian Oil and Gas Reserves. the global market. Keywords: Russia; Oil and gas reserves; Energy supply; Energy policy. JEL Classifications:  

According to Russian Natural Resources Minister Sergey Donskoy, as of 1 January 2012, recoverable reserves of oil in Russia under category ABC1 (equivalent to proven reserves) were 17.8 billion tons and category C2 reserves (equivalent to probable and possible) were 10.9 billion tons. With 300,878 million barrels of proven reserves, Venezuela has the largest amount of proven oil reserves in the world. The country's oil is a relatively new discovery. Previously, Saudi Arabia had always held the number one position. A simple classification into classified (A,B,C1,C2) “balansovye” (balance) = commercially exploitable reserves and unclassified “zabalansovye” (out-of-balance) = uneconomic resources is used. Synonyms of “balansovye” and “zabalansovye” which are often met, and used descriptively, are “konditsionniye” (conditioned) and “nekonditsionniye” (unconditioned). This statistic shows the oil reserves in Russia from 1990 to 2018. In 2018, Russia's oil reserves amounted to around 14.6 billion metric tons. Russia's vast country has various large petroleum reserves. They are one of the largest producers of oil in the world and the largest exporter of natural gas. Oil reserves Russia’s total proved oil reserves stand at 109.5 billion barrels, the sixth largest in the world. This figure is up 6.9% since 2015, bringing Russia’s global share of oil reserves to 6.4%. Reserves to production ration is 26.6. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Russia states that not accounting for new discoveries, current oil reserves in Russia stand at 29 billion tons and under current And the Russian zone of the ocean has the largest share – its potential reserves amount to approximately 48 billion barrels of oil and 43 trillion cubic meters of natural gas. That is equivalent to 14% of Russia’s oil and 40% of its gas reserves. However, so far only the Barents, Pechora and Kara Seas have begun to be explored.

Oil & Gas Laws and Regulations covering issues in Russia of Overview of Natural Gas Russia ranks first in the world in terms of gas production, reserves and from DNV GL, an international accredited registrar and classification society.

As of December 31, 2018, the Group's domestic A+B1+C1 hydrocarbon reserves (under Russian standards) amounted to 35,195.3 billion cubic meters of gas,  The Russian classification does not provide for using more conservative commercial criteria for proved versus unproved reserves. All reserves are evaluated using  The Russian Federation mandates a Russia-specific reserves reporting and classification on the stages and phases of exploration for oil and gas. in Russian. Nemchenko, N. N., Zykin, M. Ya., Gutman, I. S., and Poroskun, V. I., 1996, Comparison of oil and gas resource and reserve classifications in Russia and the U.S.: 

The classification of oil and combustible gas reserves and resources establishes Russia-wide uniform principles for calculating and keeping public record of oil, gas and gas condensate reserves and resources. Oil and gas reserves are classified into the following categories depending on their stage of commercial development and geological maturity: A (under development, drilled), B1 (under development, undrilled and explored), B2 (under development, undrilled and estimated), C1 (explored

21 Nov 2011 1.2 History of Petroleum Reserves and Resources Definitions . Petroleum Resources Definitions, Classification, and Categorization Guidelines . A number of other countries such as Russia, the US, India, Japan, and 

The Analysis of Russian Oil and Gas Reserves. the global market. Keywords: Russia; Oil and gas reserves; Energy supply; Energy policy. JEL Classifications:  

Russian Classification of Reserves The estimation of reserves of natural gas, gas condensate and crude oil can be broken down into two components: (i) geological reserves, or the quantities of natural gas, gas condensate and crude oil contained in the subsoil and (ii) The classification of oil and combustible gas reserves and resources establishes Russia-wide uniform principles for calculating and keeping public record of oil, gas and gas condensate reserves and resources. Oil and gas reserves are classified into the following categories depending on their stage of commercial development and geological maturity: A (under development, drilled), B1 (under development, undrilled and explored), B2 (under development, undrilled and estimated), C1 (explored 1. Russia has the world’s eighth-largest proven oil reserves, at 80 billion barrels. 2. This oil wealth, along with natural gas resources, provided much of the funding Vladimir Putin used for the first decade or more of his leadership. 3. Russia is the second-largest crude oil exporter by volume. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology (MNRE) issued Order No. 477 “On approval of the classification of reserves and resources of oil and flammable gases” (Order), which defines the new principles for the calculation and state recording of reserves, oil resources, flammable gases and gas condensate. classify oil and gas deposits as reserves if such deposits are technically recoverable, even if the recovery of a portion of such reserves using currently available technology is economically unprofitable. Under the Russian classification system, resources and reserves are subdivided based on their degree of substantiation into the following categories: categories A, B, RUSSIAN RESERVES TERMINOLOGY BECOMING CLEARER. Russian scientists are slowly lifting the official secrecy that for more than 50 years shrouded data on the former Soviet Union's oil reserves. Information now being disclosed by Moscow researchers is still short on specifics and generally provides only broad parameters regarding crude/condensate

Because of Bazhenov, Russia is home to the second largest shale oil reserves in the world, with an estimated 74.6 billion barrels versus 78.2 billion in the U.S., according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA).

The Russian classification does not provide for using more conservative commercial criteria for proved versus unproved reserves. All reserves are evaluated using  The Russian Federation mandates a Russia-specific reserves reporting and classification on the stages and phases of exploration for oil and gas. in Russian.

-1460. -1450. Eastern Siberia oil and gas field. Comparison of estimated oil reserves by current and new. RF classification х хх given profitable influx in casing:. The estimation of reserves of natural gas, gas condensate and crude oil can be broken down into two components: (i) geological reserves, or the quantities of. Russian reserves system. The classification of oil and combustible gas reserves and resources establishes Russia-wide uniform principles for calculating and